Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5K instead of Scheduled 8K

Day #3, Week #1 Training
Pace 7:24 min/km

Today I ran into a bit of a time crunch. I was out the door with Angus & Wallace at the right time for an 8K run, but bumped into a neighbour during my warm-up walk and ended up chatting for far too long. Good chat, but I then realized that my allotted time for running was messed up. Rather than taking my usual 8K route, I headed to the cemetery/park near my home just to get some running in. It is a pretty route and a little challenging because I start at the top of a hill, run down it on one side before running up it on the other side. I was still hoping that I could sqeeeeeze an 8K in, but after checking my watch at the 4K mark, I knew that 6K maximum was all I could get done today. This is when I started thinking about my schedule for tomorrow and decided to stop at the bottom of the hill at the 5K mark, and officially switch today's scheduled 8K with tomorrow's 5K. I hate doing this in my first week of training, but it is it what is.

The days are still beautiful for running. I was out in a l/s shirt and shorts today as it was just bit cooler in the shade than previous days this week. I saw the forecast for next week and it looks, at this point, that I might be running in wet snow conditions next week.

On a side note, it is official - my bruised toe from the half marathon has finally turned a dark blue. :( I am surprised by how long it took to darken (?). It is not sore at all, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the toenail doesn't die and fall off - ew! I experienced this once with a fingernail when I accidentally caught my hand in a slammed car door (ouch!!).!

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