Wednesday, September 1, 2010

11K Bomb - Ran 5K instead

Pace 9:02 min/km

I am feeling really lousy after this run. It was a crappy feeling run the whole time, and for the first time in a long time, I had to stop to walk. The weather was very humid and did not help, but I felt lousy. I am not sick - I was just not in running form. I do not know if this is residual from my race on Sunday, or if it just is what it is - a bad run.

I was supposed to run 11K today (had a new route mapped out, too!), and 6K tomorrow. I am going to take tomorrow off instead, and try to run 6K on Friday. Saturday looks like an ideal morning for running (no humidity, under 20 degrees C) so I have to stick to my planned 16K on that day or I will regret it.

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