Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Learning from irun.ca

Once your body is used to running regularly, if you feel like it, increase the volume by about 10% per week for three or four weeks in a row. On the forth {sic} or fifth week, cut the running in half to give yourself a big break. On the next week, go back to your second biggest week of running and start the 10% increases all over again. Repeat until you get to the point where your running volume is where you would like it to be for your goals and lifestyle.

Once you have hit that level, I like to suggest people simply cycle through the last four week progression if they do not have any type of event in mind that requires even more volume. Generally, 85-90% of all the running you do should be easy - 70-75% of maximum effort. The final 10-15% can be made up of specific hill, strength, tempo and speed work, if you are so inclined.

~Rick Hellerd

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